Pronto Software ®

We can provide a full service solution across most modules of Pronto. If there are areas that we cannot provide expertise, we can recommend alternative consultants to fill the gap.

We can recommend the best way to use the standard Pronto system, and we can also provide development services (requires Pronto development licence) to customise the system to your unique requirements.

Our services include process mapping, training, system testing and setup, documentation, and anything else you might need assistance with.


IBM Cognos®

Cognos reporting has been a great advance for Pronto, but also comes with some significant development overheads. Far from being ‘so easy an executive can do it’, most people find that it is too time consuming to make the most of it.

We can provide services to develop reports specific to your business needs. We will make sure that the outcome is not only accurate, but efficient to run. If the output takes too long to run, we can look at alternative ways to get a result.

Specialty Areas

Supply Chain

  • Sales
  • Purchasing
  • Inventory
  • Warehousing & RF
  • Accounts Receivable and Payable
  • Pricing & Discounts
  • Rebates & Deals


  • Bills of Materials and Routing
  • Shop Floor Control
  • MRP

Business Intelligence and Reporting

  • IBM Cognos® report writing
  • Data Intelligence
  • Alert Intelligence

System Administration - Cognos System Administration

Screen Customiser (Proscreen) - Data conversion

Company Restructure - System Wide Review

Post Implementation Review - Project Management support

Upgrade planning and implementation